Program of thematic panels

General Instructions

The parallel panels’ session is scheduled for February 25, 2025, from 16:00 to 17:30 (São Paulo time).

• Panelists are responsible for organising and leading panel sessions. Each panel will have a discussant who will support the discussions and coordinate the timing of the sessions.
• Panel sessions do not have simultaneous translation. Each panel provides information about the language in which the panel will be conducted.
• Event participants can decide which panel to attend. There is no pre-registration for the panels.

The following six panels will be presented in the parallel session:


Panel 1 – Reforma Tributária e Sustentabilidade das Finanças Estaduais e Municipais (Tax Reform and Sustainability of State and Municipal Finances)
(the discussion will be conducted in Portuguese, G5 room)


  • Hendrick Pinheiro, Professor at Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
  • Claudia Ferreira da Cruz, Professor at Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
  • João Ricardo Dias de Pinho, Professor at Brazilian Institute of Tax Studies (IBET), Brazil.
  • Lucas Corsino Paiva, PPGD/USP, Brazil.

Celia Maria da Silva Carvalho, Member of Group of State Public Finance Managers, Brazil.


Panel 2 – A Responsabilidade Técnica do Profissional da Contabilidade na Elaboração e Asseguração dos Relatórios de Informações de Sustentabilidade (The Technical Responsibility of the Accounting Professional in the Preparation and Assurance of Sustainability Information Reports)
(the discussion will be conducted in Portuguese, G6 room)

  • Diana Vaz de Lima, Professor at University of Brasília (CRC-DF), Brazil.
  • Elys Tevania Alves de Souza Carvalho, Executive Director at the Federal Accounting Council (CFC), Brazil.

Ricardo Lopes Cardoso, Professor at Getulio Vargas Foundation, Brazil.


Panel 3 – Los Sistemas Contables Subnacionales en un país Federal con normativas propias en cada Estado (Subnational Accounting Systems in a Federal country with its own regulations in each State)
(the discussion will be conducted in Spanish, G7 room)


  • Abelardo G. Harbin, Professor at Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina
  • Mónica González, Professor at Universidad Nacional de Cuyo, Argentina.
  • Stella Rodríguez, Professor at Universidad Nacional del Litoral, Argentina.
  • Leila Andalle, Professor at Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, Argentina.
  • Gabriela Sánchez, Professor at Universidad Nacional de Tucumán, Argentina.

José Alexandre M. Pigatto, Professor at the Federal University of Santa Maria (UFSM), Brazil.


Panel 4 – Uso de dados georreferenciados para aprimorar verificações de terrenos em auditorias financeiras do governo do Distrito Federal (Using georeferenced data to enhance land verifications in Financial Audits of the Brazilian Federal District Government)
(the discussion will be conducted in Portuguese, G8 room)

  • Marcelo Magalhães Silva de Sousa, Auditor at Court of Accounts of Federal District (TCDF), Brazil
  • Diogo dos Santos Coelho, Auditor at Court of Accounts of Federal District (TCDF), Brazil

André Feliciano Lino, Professor at University of Essex/UK.


Panel 5 – Calamidade climática no Estado do Rio Grande do Sul – impactos contábeis e fiscais (Climate disaster in the State of Rio Grande do Sul – accounting and fiscal impacts)
(the discussion will be conducted in Portuguese, G9 room)

  • Juliana Daniela Rodrigues Mancuso, Auditor at State Treasury Sub-Secretariat, Brazil
  • Guilherme Speroni Lentz, Auditor at General Accounting and Audit Office of the State of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil

Luciano Nurnberg Peres, Professor at Foundation Institute of Accounting, Actuarial, and Financial Research (FIPECAFI), Brazil.


Panel 6 – Caso Brasil na implementação prática das normas contábeis (Brazil case in the practical implementation of accounting standards)

(the discussion will be conducted in Portuguese, G10 room)

  • Alex Fabiane Teixeira, General Coordinator of Accounting Standards Applied to the Brazilian Public Sector at the National Treasury Secretariat; Coordinator of the Permanent Committee on Public Sector Accounting of the Federal Accounting Council; and Coordinator of the Technical Chamber on Accounting and Tax Procedures for the Federation at the National Treasury Secretariat, Brazil.
  • Heriberto Henrique Vilela do Nascimento, Deputy Secretary of Public Accounting at the National Treasury Secretariat STN, Brazil.

Janilson Antonio da Silva Suzart, Officer of the Comptroller General (CGU) auditor, Brazil